A new star in the sky (aka new web site)

So, ages ago, I had my websites hosted on an ancient NetBSD box running Zope and Plone. When we moved to Virginia, the lack of a 120VAC 30A socket for my rackmount UPS meant that I was having to skimp on power due to my only being able to use a 700VA UPS instead of the 3000VA UPS I had used for years. Throw in the fact that it was an Athlon 2500 based machine which maxed out at 4GB of RAM, the small disks it had been built with (I think the largest was 80GB),  the changes in Zope and Plone since I had it up, and work, it remained well down on the priority list.

Fast forward to about 18 months ago, having had a couple of my older servers fail, I opted to get a refurbished Dell 2950 III, complete with a DRAC and 32GB RAM (and capable of holding 64GB). Not only that, but unlike all my other machines other than my main workstation, this was a Gen-9 Dell machine, meaning it was 64-bit and capable of hardware virtualization. But again, my schedule was such that I never managed to get time to dedicate towards building the web server. And even after the client I had been working for decided to not renew my 6-month contract for the upteenth time, following a merger… all the things surrounding being unemployed (e.g. searching for jobs, applying, dusting off old skills, etc.) was taking up more than a normal full-time job. But today, wanting to write a couple of blog posts here soon, and not happy with the fact that LiveJournal is now owned by a Russian  company and hosted there… I had to do something, and rather than going through the hassles of having to put together a totally new Zope/Plone site, or write my own… I decided to bring up a WordPress site (which I have been seeing listed quite frequently with the PHP developer jobs I have been going through).  More details on the site later (and I may even post pics of my rack and such), but for now… it is late, and I am calling it a night.  More customization tomorrow…and another blog post.