

My name is Doug, and welcome to my brand new web site. I am a computer engineer (and hacker, in the original meaning of the word, not the version we now use), nerd/geek (yes, there is a difference, and I am both), a politically active UU, and as you will come to find out, an Autie, with all that goes with it (some of it fun, like the nerd/geek thing, and some of it as far from it as one can get from being fun).  This is going to be my non-professional page, but like moving into a new house, I have yet to “start unpacking” to get real content up (like this front page, or my “About Me” page), but I will be working on this in the coming days and weeks, perhaps even doing some theme changes or outright theme hacking/frobing, just like we sometimes paint the walls as we are moving in. Included in this will be getting things setup for user registration.  So please stay tuned!