And life pulls out another stop… or two…

Well, it seems that life has pulled out another stop or two, and also resulted in me realizing something I don’t believe I had realized before. And outside of that one fact, it sure has me wishing that life would switch to a different, happier piece.

The first stop which life pulled out today to add to the recent cacophony was a post from a SCA friend from Indiana. Her daughter, who is not yet 21, has been fighting a battle with a form of cancer since before she was a teen. As my friend wrote “We’ve had eight and a half years that we shouldn’t have had. It isn’t enough.” And it isn’t. What I got with my Mom wasn’t enough. What I got with my Dad wasn’t enough. What I got with my first BFF Lisa was not enough. And for my current BFF… I won’t go into details about the fears, but will say I will gladly take what I can get, but it will not be enough be it measured in months, years or decades, regardless of where things go with us. There are certain people who are in our lives and whose souls and ours are like velcro and cotton balls on both sides… our interactions are such that when we are parted, parts of our cotton balls are stuck in their velcro and pulled away, and parts of their cotton balls are stuck in our velcro and stay with us.

But for me, in reading about my friend and her daughter, I could not help but to also think of her daughter, as well as to recent events with my BFF, and go back to an event in my life… which was the month of October 1974. Yes, the month, in its entirety, and just after my 11th birthday. A period which started with my commenting to my gym teacher about what I was clearly certain was blood in my urine when I had to go to the bathroom during gym, and which immediately saw me waiting in the school office while somebody retrieved my stuff from my locker while Mom was on her way to pick me up. And from there, Mom and I went straight to a doctor who did a quick exam to rule out things like a hernia, and confirm the blood, and not even stopping by the house as we drove past it, driving into the hospital. The next few days were lots of tests to rule out things like kidney infections (which included my having an allergic reaction to a x-ray dye which was like injecting liquid fire into my arm and burning all my veins out of my body, which in turn had me unable to speak for days), and then a surgery which had my legs in stirrups for so long that my legs cramped for the next week, on top of me being forced to sleep on my back for that same week. And spending several weeks going through more treatment and recovery, finally getting the catheter which I had been stuck with removed and getting to go home on Halloween. And all the while, I never quite knew what all was going on, and when I had time to think about it, I was quite terrified, even without knowing that it was cancer (I found that out very late in my stay). So much so, that a few years ago, I ended up having a PTSD flashback to the vents of that month.

But I got better… I got the “OK… come back in 6 months”, followed by “Come back in a year”, to where I did not need to come back at all. It was as if I had broken my arm, burned them, or had pneumonia… not something which was constantly lurking, like this girl who is just a few years younger than my own daughter has had to go through for more than a third of her life. This girl, which got to look at pictures of her kitties with her mother, who got to have her mother comfort her with strokings, holding hands and kisses. And who may not be with us tomorrow.

We never are promised tomorrow with those we love… indeed, we are not even promised our next breath, or the ability to complete saying/typing “I love you” to that special someone. So many times, we can be there, doing what we do, and the next thing we know, Atropos cuts the string and our puppet bodies drop to the floor. It is part of why being alone bothers me so much… (Now, I know, many friends will say things like “get out more” or “make more friends”, but that is so, so difficult for me.) I am left to wonder how many days would pass before someone besides work would think to check on me, and notice that my strings had been cut. Or how many people would notice that I was gone, how long it would take them to notice, etc. It is probably something I should not worry about, at least from my perspective… after all, when my strings are cut, I move on to whatever awaits (which is, with lots of hope, wishes, etc., a reunion with the half dozen or so most important “souls” in my life… Mom, my maternal grandparents, Dad, and most importantly at this moment… my first BFF), and this world fades behind me, supposedly. But I do worry about that, just like I worry about those most precious souls in this life. But, to not be able to wake and see someone I love across the bed from me, either watching me, or just breathing as they sleep… to have those caresses, hugs, moments of holding hands while either watching a thunderstorm, the stars or a movie…

Now, the thing I realized… it is really a meaningless, stupid fact, but all the same… it occurred to me that my second ex and I were were in that hospital during that month I spent there… given that she was born at that hospital while I was going through my month-long nightmare. Like I said… meaningless… stupid… trivial… but still…

Chords with echos from the past

There has been lots going on the past few weeks which have been weighing on me, wearing on my soul. Oddly, none of it has to do with work. Lots of joking around and fun there, no outrageous pressure even though we are going into a busy (NFL) season. And the fact that I will soon have insurance, that I get paid holidays and two weeks vacation, and got to use some of it back over the 4th of July, to meet my BFF for the very first time in 15 years of knowing her actually makes that front rather great, and another area not quite as bad… But its bad enough that I asked to have my meds dosage upped.

Now, before I get to the main item, here is some of the other craziness I have dealt with the past few months… really mega past due property taxes, which finally are caught up, so I no longer worry about them filing in the court for being delinquent. Rent and other areas are generally caught up, and money is not a huge worry (especially given how I was raised by two parents, one of which grew up during the Great Depression, and the other who grew up in VA during the 1940s, and later events in life). And while I was about to start paying some friends back, I am now preparing to move in the next few months. I had kinda been taking it a bit easy on that front, trying to decide where, plan things out, etc., and slowly trying to pare away the junk in the garage left by my 2nd ex, her GF and such… but in a week or so, I figure to have a dumpster and start going through things, since two weeks ago, the landlord stopped by to give me a heads up (thankfully a bit premature), that they were in the process of selling the house, and I would likely be getting the 60 day notice. Premature, since the buyer did not manage to secure the financing, but I am still going to move… maybe in the timeframe of 90 days rather than 60, however… Thankfully, since I work remotely, the where is a little less of an issue, and I have friends looking for places up in the Pittsburgh area, and I am thinking about possibly going up there over a weekend here in the next few weeks. That way, I will have lots of friends much closer, and can try to remedy some of the issues of it just basically being Destiny and myself, and being mostly totally isolated like my Dad was his final couple of years, which is something I was phobic about happening at the time, and which really weighs on me every day now.

(Quick aside… why Da’Burgh? Why not SLC or ATL? Because with planning, I can drive a moving van up there on a Friday evening, unload over a weekend and be working on Monday. And I have friends up there to help me find places to possibly live, I know the mental health system, and might just be able to go to the same providers. SLC has a much more limited network of folks to help, and it would take me a week to drive the critical things out there… and ATL is just too far south and hot/humid for me!)

Now, to understand the really big one, which I have been avoiding, because of the pain, requires me to go back to 1995, and indeed do some summing up of years leading into that. Mom had been fighting breast cancer for a number of years, and was coming to the end of her unsuccessful battle. I still feel I did so many things wrong, not seeing signs where she all but told me, like the day she told me to make sure to get the savings bonds which she had bought and were in her and my name, were something to happen, so that Dad did not see them and get upset. But in February of that year, she had been told that it had spread to her esophagus, liver and bones. And the port which they normally would only leave in for 6 months, take out for 6 and put back in, but which she had had in for well over a year… it was taken out. On a trip down here to VA to talk to her sisters, who began their own battles within a few months of Mom’s… to tell them she no longer had what it would take to fight it… she was worn out physically and emotionally. That was about 6 weeks before Mom walked out to sit at the picnic table with me, to talk, and in the process mention those savings bonds as if she had been mentioning the shape of a cloud, because of my blindness. But over the next few months, we would talk about other things, including the difficulty Mom was having eating, and we had an early birthday party around the 4th of July at my brother’s for my daughter. I did not ask why over 6 weeks early, instead of just a few days after, which would have been the case because our annual Pennsic vacation also included my daughter’s birthday. Nor did I clue in on the fact that we were talking about Mom and Dad taking my ex, daughter and I with them on a trip to Hawaii, which was something we had talked about for probably close to 20 years, but had never done. I was asked if I would have enough vacation for it (more than enough), could I get it off (yes), and all. It was for her what we today would call a bucket list item. But that was never to happen.

What did happen? Well, we went to Pennsic as planned. And I would have someone from camp come to me while I was out on the battlefield after a day of fighting that Saturday, telling me that someone had stopped by to tell me that my Dad had called. And so, I spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening trying to reach him, to find out that Mom was in hospital, and had been since the previous weekend, because of her being unable to eat. I was also told not to tell her that Dad had called while we were on vacation… but… while it was not necessary for me to pack up right then and there, drive home, or drive down there directly, going down in the next couple of days would be very wise… I was still not aware of how long it had been since Mom had last eaten solid food, or how bad things were. I think I went to the annual gathering to listen to a friend of mine tell his night-long story of stories around the campfire… I vaguely remember packing, the drive home, unloading… And I do remember going to work that Monday morning, and being sent home as soon as my boss Brian heard what was going on… being told not to come back, not to worry about if I had the vacation days, etc… go be with her, and leave my pager (which I even carried with me on vacation) with him.

Well, later that day, we had done some laundry, and were down to visit Mom… she was 5ft4in tall, and normally weighed around 120lbs… and if I had to guess, she was maybe 70lbs… and our Chiricahua Apache heritage was quite plain to see. There is a picture of Goyaałé (Geronimo for those less knowledgeable) in his 70s, with the nose, cheekbones, eyes… and they all stood out on Mom’s face because she was so underweight. But that day was so upsetting to both of us, on top of Grandma Wade, Aunt Jean and other family members being there to visit. And during the visit, I found out from Aunt Jean a bit about just how bad it was, but not the full story… and part of about the visit back in February/March after the news from the doctors… but Mom also told me that it was upsetting to her for me to see her that way, and that she saw how much it was upsetting me, and said she did not want me to visit her until she got out of the hospital… Only the Creator knows why I agreed, or perhaps thought she would get better and get out of the hospital. And so, I went back to work (Brian’s first words to me were “WTF are you doing here??!!”, a question I was asked by a number of coworkers until word made its way around to everyone), and it was right about this time in 95 when Mom got out of the hospital to go to the hospice one last time… and between my visit and that day… I hardly spoke to her, because it upset her, she did not feel like talking… and I never got to say goodbye to her… she slipped into a coma which was helped along by the fact that they had to give her so much morphine that they constantly ran the razor’s edge between her being in massive pain and her breathing stopping. And rather than going down to the county fair, which takes place every Labor Day weekend… I went down and spent the week and weekend following it with Dad, spending time at the hospice/nursing home, and starting off the days with phone calls to see how things had gone the night before. And after being there all day on the 10th, listening to her fight for every single breath against the pain, and painfully exhale, I am really not surprised that on the 11th, that that morning call was instead that the doctors would call us right back.

Well, that has been echoing through the past with something currently going on in my life, which has me all mixed up inside… part of me wanting to book a flight, but knowing that I very well could face the same response of an individual not wanting to see me. And when I knew they were going to be scoped to see what was going on, and a relatively short procedure which was supposed to have someone telling me that this individual was in recovery or back in her room did not have me hearing anything until I reached out that night to someone… I had an all day panic attack from the PTSD, which my meds did not touch… and I have to fight to not max out and pass my max dosages for my anxiety meds, which are really addictive. And given how I lost my Mom without getting to say goodbye, lost my first BFF (with whom, it looks like things were shaping up to perhaps have us trying to be happy together) with so many questions unasked, things unsaid and all… and now what is going on which has me fearing losing someone who means more to me than any other friend I have alive… some days it is a blessing just to go through the day hiding under a blanket, since I cannot be there…

Chords in the darkness

At times, I will have YouTube running in the background, sometimes playing music, sometimes showing various news clips, and sometimes showing things such as videos from the Royal Institute or other groups dealing with science, maths, and other topics. Since the latter ones are often not on a playlist, and YouTube just starts showing them randomly, some interesting things can come up (this also works for music videos as well… I have made two great discoveries this past few months this way). Yesterday, YouTube headed over into TED videos, which can be quite interesting. There are folks giving talks such as ones on various computer topics, or the talk given by Nick Hanauer entitled “Beware, fellow plutocrats, the pitchforks are coming” (or his original “banned” talk).

This one came up yesterday, and I actually had to stop. Along with a post which showed up in my FB memories, it really hits home, where home is ground zero for Tsar Bomba.

Why did the video and the post hit that hard? It is because I am so familiar with being lonely… it probably is one of the words which can sum up my life. As I said in a previous post, in school I found myself more often than not feeling excluded by my peers throughout my elementary and high school years, left to read a book, wonder off someplace to sit, etc. during recess, and often being the last one picked for team activities. Would they remember it that way? I seriously doubt it. During the elementary school years, the number of people I considered as treating me as a friend could be counted on one hand, with my thumb left over. It expanded somewhat in high school, but more often than not, it felt more like just being someone in their class, or a friend of their friend, rather than an actual friend. And this trend continued to a large degree through college and even into adulthood. I have gone through periods where, if not for my parents when I was living with them, or if not for one person at other times, I too feel that weeks could have gone by without being missed, as she says in the first minute. Indeed, there have been times I think it could have been a month or more. And while she talks about withdrawing, with me, it is more fleeing from crowds, particularly when stressed/depressed. In college, outside of hockey games, which even at Ohio State saw crowds less than 1000, I stayed clear of sports events. I never went to the bars, etc. Even on my birthdays (yes, birthdays) when I became legally able to drink, I stayed clear of the crowds, instead choosing to spend the evening ice skating. And I was quite happy to avoid the crushing crowds, overwhelming noise, smoke and other assaults on my senses. Except for SCA events, some conventions (either professional or SciFi/gaming/CosPlay cons, where I can immerse myself in one of my geeky distractions), and a very few exceptions over the years, I have avoided crowds. I would rather spend my time with a small group, clearly able to hear discussions, and to be intimate with friends.

In more recent years, while dealing with an abusive marriage which was in itself a major isolating factor, I dealt with my the decline of my father, where his days had been reduced to going into town, sitting in the VFW, Legion, or similar location, nursing a drink for hours, grabbing food, then going home to be by himself. And between the looming divorce, losing Dad, having my closest friend, who helped me realize that my marriage was abusive, murdered by her husband, and all… I found out more about myself than I had in the previous four decades. I discovered my high functioning autism (HFA, aka Asperger’s), which caused me to go non-verbal and rocking while being verbally assaulted. And with that, I discovered my lifelong depression, my near phobia of ending up like Dad was those final years, and so much more. It did not help that my second marriage had started out with lots of NRE, a partner who was so impatient to get married and have kids (to the point where she overcame my being quite satisfied with just the daughter I already had), and all. And after repeated assurances that I was “the one” rather than a passing phase regardless of her prior relationships being almost exclusively with other women, getting married, two miscarriages, and her essentially pushing me out of her life to be with another woman, the fear of being like Dad became even closer to being a phobia. But sadly, I more and more often find myself seeing my situation like being in a spacesuit, floating adrift and losing sight of my place of warmth, safely, and all that goes with it. And this is even considering the fact that my daughter and her fiancee live here with me. Sleeping schedules are out of sync, meals are fix your own due to schedules and her having more and more of a life of her own, and things I mention needing from the store, such as things for lunch, being repeatedly forgotten even when mentioned shortly before they leave the house. And social media… more and more, I have found even my closest friends less and less frequently saying “Hi” online, seeing how I am doing, etc., and going weeks and weeks without even responding, liking posts about things we love in common, etc. And then, lots of job applications seemingly going straight to /dev/null (the bit bucket), and this coming along… and I find myself wondering what the future holds. Do I have a way to reach warmth and safety again? Or am I to disappear into the darkness, to become a forgotten memory, no different than the bits of rocks, ice and gas around the universe, long before I should.

A warning from the darkness… (potential trigger warning)

Well, I come to the important post which has been banging around in my head the past couple of weeks or so, prompted this site to get a slight bump in priority, and will explain a reference I made several times in my earlier post regarding SSL certificates. And I will start it with an observation posed as question, coming from as I said in the title, the darkness… and it is this:

The past several weeks, I have seen a number of friends post about being there for those who who need to talk, but when push comes to shove, how many of us are actually willing to act, rather than just saying the words, to truly be there??

Sadly, I personally fear far too many of us would be found of falling way short of the mark of doing what is needed.

Now, please allow me to reassure you, I do not think I am anywhere near being actively suicidal. And by actively suicidal, I mean things like hanging, poisoning, shooting oneself, jumping… you hopefully get the picture of what the “actively”. But then, by that time, it can be too late. And it entirely misses what one could call inactively or passively suicidal… where one stops eating, does not jump back (or ahead) to avoid being hit by a bus (as opposed to actively jumping out in front of one). I sit here and wonder how many suicides are actually written off as “I guess they did not see the bus” or some other form of accidental death, and I fear it is far more than anyone really knows. But more on this later on…

I find myself asking what did people miss these past few weeks with Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade? Or how about the signs surrounding one of my all-time favorite individuals, Robin Williams, who made us laugh so much even in the days leading up to his own suicide, but was in fact the true image of Pagliacci the clown. Only those closest to them may know for certain, such as Bourdain’s mother, who said he missed But to know what might have been missed, one must know the warning signs, a good list of which you can find listed by the AFSP here. But I read an article this past week, where it mentioned an interview about how he should have been dead, but part of the reason he was not was him feeling he needed to be there for his daughter, who is 11. I also read that he skipped out on dinner the night before, how those who knew him such as the waiter, as well as a chef friend of his he was working with with whom he was to have dined the night before.  But it was not until the next morning that they were concerned enough to have his room checked. As for Kate Spade, who I remember seeing some shows about, perhaps waiting someplace, or waiting for a different TV show to come on after it… I have seen far less. But, as I am fond of saying… hindsight is 20/20, often with an electron microscope… and especially in this case, the trick is to turn hindsight into foresight. Maybe, when he was not seen for dinner, if the wait staff and his friend had checked, it might not have made any real difference. Or perhaps they might have found him sitting alone in his room, and during the course of the evening, noticed something which would have told them he was sitting on the edge of his mental precipice. But then, the only ones who know the answer to that are the Creator and Anthony himself.

Now, for those who don’t know me as well as others, allow me to set a stage. There is a general awareness of my being high-functioning Autistic (HFA), dealing with what used to be called Asperger’s Syndrome. Autism goes from one extreme to the other with no real boundary points, instead of being different buckets or different rooms. And with the diagnosis comes a plethora of gifts as well as curses (often termed “comorbidities”), which vary from individual to individual.  And so, if you have met one Autie (someone who is autistic), you have met one Autie. Yes, it is common for us to have things like depression, OCD, anxiety…the list goes on, but not everybody has to deal with all of those, and even if we do, what we deal with even at those levels can differ greatly. For me, depression is one of them.

My lifelong journey through the darkness…

[Gaaa… I wish I could find the equivalent to the LJ Cut… but what I am finding seems to not quite match it… wonder if it is an issue with the style/theme…]

Though it may not have seemed like it to those around me, I have never been truly free of the depression… it has been a life-long companion, or perhaps one might call it a shade (of the ghostly variety). I remember when not trying to stay away from the bullies, I was often just sitting or standing by myself, with nobody wanting to play with me, and isolated by an invisible wall built by my autism, a speech impediment, and by roughly Halloween of that year, the tallest of my grade. Sure, at times I was picked to play Red Rover and picked early, since my size meant that I would often break through the lines and take someone back to my original team. But then the opposing teams learned not to call on me, and so I lost my value and like so many other things, ended up also becoming one of the last ones picked. And so, I would often find myself sitting near where the teachers tended to stand, or being someplace looking at the fossils in the sandstone used to build the school, looking at milkweed pods, or just mostly lost in thought. In 2nd and 3rd grades, there was a bit of a break in this routine, as a cute girl moved from Da’Burgh to live a few blocks down, and I was one of the first ones to be friendly towards her. But then, in 4th grade, she had moved away to someplace I did not know, and the bullies which had mostly given me a pass starting in 2nd grade and during the 3rd found that I was less able to defend myself when they worked together. So, by the time 5th grade came around, recess was once again a time of taking a book, finding someplace to “hide” (either sitting near where a teacher would always be close by, or finding a spot away from everyone). It did not help that one of the girls in my 5th grade homeroom was familiar (yep, you guessed it, she was the same girl from Da’Burgh) was somewhat distant, and I only found out indirectly that the fact that I had had my name changed had confused her for awhile. And thus it was through the rest of my school years… school dances spent sitting the entire evening since nobody would dance with me, until I stopped going, nobody going on dates with me, and sometimes setting me up for embarrassment while making me believe they would meet me someplace to see a movie or some such. And so, while classmates were going out on dates, I would often end up throwing myself into spending the night at my telescope or reading, depressed and lonely and trying to divert my mind with that activity. Indeed, it was not until just before my senior prom that I managed to get a date (to the senior prom, no less) with a gal I had met through the Spanish Club. And as for actual friends in high school… there were three with whom I had formed a core of a group, with others around us (I think there might have been a dozen total of us)… mostly the booky nurdish/geekish types with whom we would play chess during lunch (or on the bus heading home for a few of them), took the same classes, belonged to the same clubs, etc. But even the gals in that group seemed unwilling to date me.  And this was the pattern even through college, and to a great degree clear up to today, with a level of depression and anxiety always there, not allowing me to really have any joy in life.

It was not until at age 43, while dealing with things from my failing first marriage, along with other issues that I finally sought out a specialist who diagnosed the HFA along with the depression, low self-esteem, and everything else. As I have said, the diagnosis was like being given the key to a door which has a large panel of frosted glass in it, with a mirror behind it in such a way that you can barely make yourself out in the mirror if you look closely. And that diagnosis, and the years of therapy which followed it, have allowed me to recognize so much about myself, and to know that up to that time, I had suffered from at least two episodes of Major Depressive Disorder (more here), one of which was going on at the time of my HFA diagnosis, and that my norm is what is referred to as Persistent Depressive Disorder or Dysthymia (more here)

Now what are the symptoms of Dysthymia? You can take a look at the links in the previous paragraph, but beyond the things such as duration, or not attributable to X, Y or Z, it comes down to two or more of these:

  1. Poor appetite or overeating.
  2. Insomnia or hypersomnia.
  3. Low energy or fatigue.
  4. Low self-esteem.
  5. Poor concentration or difficulty making decisions.
  6. Feelings of hopelessness.

The danger lurking in the darkness…

I can rarely remember days or times where it was not at least two of these, and often it is even more. Unfortunately, as is in the case elsewhere, you start adding in a few other things, and increasing the severity of those above, and you slide from one to the other without recognizing it. And if you look at the pages I linked to, you will hopefully see how this can happen, and how only a few items such as the psychomotor agitation/retardation or the thoughts of death show up in the major depression. Sadly, the combination of the two when both are active puts me in the 3-6% of those who suffer from what is being termed “double depression”. But, you may never recognize that someone you care about has slipped over the fuzzy line, to say nothing of realizing that the person you are talking to is suffering inside (more on this in just a moment).

Thankfully, while I am in that 3-6%, where things feedback like the microphone squeal at a concert, speech or some other presentation, I have had a barrier which has, so far, been between me and being actively suicidal. And so, for me, it is what I term “passive” or “inactive”, where I just stop forgetting to eat. In the past, I have described it as seeming to be trying to jackhammer my way through “hundreds of meters of heavily reinforced, ultra-high performance concrete”, with the point of where I would be actively suicidal being on the other side of that barrier.  Indeed, with the episode I was dealing with when I got the HFA diagnosis, the 7 months prior to that after I had lost the closest friend I had ever had, had it not been for several friends, one of whom stands out like a full Moon in the middle of a clear midnight sky in the dead of winter, my daughter would not have been able to get me to eat.

But as I said, you may not realize it when a person is suffering.  Again, I think of Robin Williams, who could make us laugh so hard as Mork in our youth, and decades later would have us laughing so hard we would could barely breath and piss ourselves at some point with bits like his Evinrude sketch (which you can see here),  or so many others.  He was the Pagliacci the clown in the lives of so many. But many can play that role, seeming successful, and yet be on a very dark journey inside. Robin was such an example, as were Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain. And another is Wil Wheaton, who shared this… You never know who you see on TV or elsewhere might be fighting a battle which can prove to be just as stealthy and deadly as cancer. On the outside, to take a mental picture from the late Randy Pausch… one might see a Tigger, while on the inside, reality makes Eeyore seem chipper. This last bit became even more apparent to me as I was talking to folks, including our (as in VA-06 district) now Democratic party candidate for the US House of Representatives, Jennifer Lewis, who is a mental health professional. People were surprised to find that I was HFA, and suffering from depression… something I felt was important enough to talk to our local newspaper about being a huge reason why Jennifer is going to be getting some of my time and energy between now and the general election, to hopefully have her fighting the fight in Washington, from a district which is so deeply conservative that they have not supported a Democratic presidential candidate in 50+, and in some cases 86 years. Thankfully, I heard somewhere that in the primary, she carried all but two localities. (I am curious, and wondering if I can find the results broken down by the ward/precinct… hmmm).

Some who read this may not be aware of the fact, I was laid off in the Ides of March.  The company at which I had been working on a 6 month contract which kept getting renewed since I started in September 2013 went through a merger, and many contractors such as myself were laid off as a result (in part, so that they could better judge things during the post-merger restructuring).  And between that (which I had seen as being likely for a couple of months), things going on in the world, and more, I realized with the suicides of those two famous individuals, and things such as the #idontmind movement (thanks to Chris Wood for starting it, Melissa Benoist, Heidi Klum and others who started spreading the word about it to where I heard about it) where with May having been Mental Health Awareness Month, people were opening up and fighting the stigma and shame which has long resulted in families even being unwilling to talk about their family’s history amongst themselves. I have to wonder about my own parents, and whether they dealt with or were diagnosed something such as depression over the course of their lives.

And I have also come to realize… I cannot put my faith in that concrete being thick enough…

Now, for the warning…

And it is a warning for both the depression suffers and those who love them. With all that, during the past two weeks I realized that I was slipping back into double depression. Had the timing been different, I don’t know when/if I would have realized this. And even having realized this, it is a battle. I have to honestly admit, that as I sit here and type, and the microwave runs in the background, I cannot remember when I ate last. Sadly, this puts my metabolism into a mode where I do not lose weight. And while I was supposed to have had an appointment on Monday for meds maintenance, I had to reschedule, since the cost of an appointment was going to be more than a weeks worth of groceries on a budget where my unemployment will be going almost in its entirety to rent, and where even having had insurance, just seeing a therapist was not really affordable, since to meet the personal deductible which the insurance company applied, even at weekly appointments starting at the beginning of the year, I would not meet the deductible until sometime during the summer… and this is for a mid-level plan… roughly half a year with an appointment coming straight out of pocket. But at the heart of the warning is this…

As a sufferer, I look and see not only how it snuck up on me, totally took away my appetite, but has had me withdrawing from friends. And I know, once there, asking for help can be difficult, if not impossible for a multitude of reasons.  So if you care about someone who may be or is dealing with depression, sometimes, reaching out to them might be necessary.

There are so many reasons why this may be the case. Especially for those of us who deal with double depression, we might not recognize that things have gotten worse. Then there are the other reasons, such as not want to be a burden, feeling like more of a failure, being afraid of driving off what few folks we have (or perhaps even feeling like we have driven them off, given the right circumstances). We might be afraid or tired of being told things like “think happy thoughts, and you will be over this in no time”. The things we can tell ourselves can seem so true, and yet be totally wrong.

So yea, it has taken me since Tuesday to write this, and rather than keeping up the editing, having it keep growing, etc., I will say to those who care for a friend, or someone even more important, just reaching out to remind them that you are thinking of them and asking “How are you doing?” can mean so much. Who knows, with one simple act, you may open the gates on an emotional dam and keep it from catastrophically failing.